Building An Empire: Reconstruction of The Soviet Union
A book cover representing the symbols of the Soviet Union, a Hammer & Sickle and A Red 5 pointed star. I had been interested in making a little bit of a redesign of some Soviet era symbolism, and decided a book cover was an interesting way of communicating the aesthetic. It was also a way of showing what messaging and visual communication could be used to represent a reawakening of the Soviet Empire.

This was all a tongue and cheek way of showing the symbolism.
Vintage Science Fiction Book Covers
I had discovered some old science fiction books at one of my local vintage stores and I wanted to re-envision several covers. I loved the way illustration and typography were used in a bold way back in the 1950s-1960s. So I found some Retro Futuristic Illustrations and chose to combine 5 images with 5 versions of the covers, showing off different typographic layouts and styles.
The Only Good Bug is a Dead Bug: A Starship Troopers Guide to Survival
The desire to make some Starship Troopers style design was in the back of my mind. With this project, I found a fun way of getting some ideas produced. Using several inspirations of Guide books, Manuals, and How to books, I created 3 separate covers for a guidebook to survival in the Starship Troopers universe. Some of the coloring and imagery was directly inspired by the Starship Troopers movie.

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